Plenary Talks

Petri Nets and Object-Centric Processes in Software Engineering

Gabriel Juhás
Faculty of Informatics,
Pan-European University, Bratislava, Slovakia

Abstract: In this plenary talk, we discuss the role of Petri Nets and Object-Centric Processes in recent development of Software Engineering. Namely, we illustrate how extended Petri nets can be used to define a low-code language for modelling and development of software systems and web applications based on object-centric processes. Among others, we define key requirements for a low-code language for object-centric processes with forms. Such a language should enable to model object-centric processes consiting of data attributes, the life cycle of data attributes given by a workflow of tasks, and forms linked to these tasks consisting of subsets of data attributes. In addition, we specify requirements for handling events related to artifacts of object-centric processes, namely process instances, data fields, and tasks, resulting in a class of discrete event systems. We also discuss how roles specifying which users can trigger events should be represented within such a language. Finally, we outline requirements for a query language capable of searching on object-centric processes and their tasks. We also provide a prototype of such a language based on Petri nets enriched by data attributes, called Petriflow. Finally, we give an illustrative example of an application implemented using presented low-code language Petriflow.

JuhasGabriel Juhás is a full professor of Computer Science and an R4 leading researcher within a Next Generation EU project at Faculty of Informatics, Pan-European University Bratislava, Slovakia. Gabriel is also a co-founder of NETGRIF company delivering low-code application development platform and applications in Insurance, Healthcare, Utility and Public. Previously he was a full professor of Applied Computer Science at Institute of Computer Science and Mathematics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (FEI STU). Gabriel Juhás was the dean and the vice dean of FEI STU. He worked at several universities in Germany, namely at Technical University Berlin, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, where he received his habilitation. Previously, he was also a visiting PhD student at University of Aarhus in Denmark. He received his PhD degree from FEI STU. His main research interests in theory are Petri nets and other models of concurrency. In the application area he focuses on business process management, process-driven programming, object-centirc processes and low-code languages. He is co-author of an open-source low-code language Petriflow and co-author of NETGRIF low-code application development platform.

He led, coordinated or participated on 15 national and international research projects in different application areas of IT and Control Engineering. He presented 19 invited lectures and co-authored more than 50 papers indexed in Scopus or Web of Science, he has more than 900 citations, he co-edited the book Unifying Petri Nets in LNCS “State-of-the-Art” series of Springer-Verlag, reviewed for several journals and conferences, he is a member of the editorial board of LNCS Transactions on Petri Nets and Other Models of Concurrency published by Springer-Verlag. He also was a member of program committee for more than 30 conferences and workshops and organized 5 international scientific meetings.

Adapting Technology to the Post-Quantum and Hybrid Warfare Era: Key Research Trends and the Role of the 6G PHYSEC Project

Peter Farkaš
Institute of Multimedia Information and Communication Technologies
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia

Abstract: This plenary talk addresses the primary challenges of adapting digital technologies to the post-quantum era in connection with development of 6G infrastructures. Particularly it highlights the research problems in the area of 6G massive machine-type communication security, as well as the protection of information in cloud environments.The talk outlines current research trends that aim to mitigate these challenges and pave the way for the successful implementation of 6G technologies. These include:

  • Regeneration coding for cloud systems.
  • Physical layer security.
  • Integrated sensing and communication.
  • Quantum key distribution.
  • Quantum communication.

Finally, the objectives of the COST Action CA22138 project, titled Physical Layer Security for Trustworthy and Resilient 6G Systems (6G PHYSEC), will be presented. The project aims to address several of the aforementioned challenges and contribute to the development of secure and resilient 6G systems.

JuhasPeter Farkaš is with Institute of Multimedia Information and Communication Technologies, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (STU) and with Institute of Applied Informatics, Faculty of Informatics, Pan-European University in Bratislava as a Professor. From 2002 till 2007 he was Visiting Professor at Kingston University, UK and senior researcher at SIEMENS PSE. In 2003 SIEMENS named him VIP for his innovations and patents. In 2004 he was awarded the Werner von Siemens Excellence Award for research results on two-dimensional Complete Complementary Codes. From 2008 to 2009 he worked also as consultant in Software Defined Radio for SANDBRIDGE Tech. (USA). He was responsible leader of a team from STU in projects funded by the European Community under the 5FP and 6FP “Information Society Technologies” Programs: NEXWAY IST -2001-37944 (Network of Excellence in Wireless Applications and technology) and CRUISE (Creating Ubiquitous Intelligent Sensing Environments) FP6 IST-2005- 4- 027738, (2006-2007). His research interests include Security, Coding, Communications Theory and sequences for CDMA. He published 2 monographs, about 60 papers in reviewed scientific journals and about 110 papers in international conferences. He is the author or coauthor of 7 patents. He is and was serving in TPC of about 60 international conferences and presented 12 invited lectures.

During the years he has visited and worked at the Dept. of Informatics IV RWTH Aachen, Computing Center of RWTH Aachen, Dept. of Communications and Radio-Frequency Engineering Vienna University of Technology, Dept. of Communication Systems in Lancaster University, Cooperative Research Center for Broadband Telecommunications and Networking at Dept. of Computer and Communication Engineering, Edith Cowan University and Australian Telecommunications Research Institute at Curtin University of Technology.

As an IEEE volunteer, Prof. Farkaš was serving in IEEE Czechoslovakia Section Executive Committee in different positions from 1992 to 2014, from 2015 is a vice chair in Computer Chapter in this section and from 2005 to 2006 he served as a chair of Conference Coordinator Subcommittee in IEEE Region 8. He organized IEEE R8 Conference EUROCON 2001 and was chairman of SympoTIC’03, SympoTIC’04, SympoTIC’06 and co-organizer of Winter school on Coding and Information Theory 2005.

He volunteers also as official member on behalf of Slovakia in URSI Scientific Commission C: Radiocommunication Systems and Signal Processing for more than 25 Years.